
Saturday, 8 February 2014

Truth is

(Gina, Felly, Me, Jiamei, Jiayi)

It is hard to find true friends in Poly but lucky for me, I met some of them that made my poly life so much better. Be it in homework, tests, exams or projects, they were the ones who kept me going up till now. Despite Felly studying in Australia, Gina working and studying and me, just wasting my life away, we still chat on whatsapp every week.

Whenever I talk to them, my mind was like "Wtf am I doing with my life for for the past few months?". They are either working or studying or both. I think I am the only one enjoying my life by not doing anything. 
I bet some of my "friends" out there I will think that I am a useless bum but F**k You! I mean since we are still young, just treat yourselves better by resting and you can slog your life by working for the next ten or twenty years.

I heard people jealous of my life. What is I CAN GET ANYTHING I WANT? I can't even get my own car. What is I AM RICH? I can't even support myself. What is I STILL TAKE ALLOWANCE? This is something that I am really shocked to hear. I mean, so what if I am 21? I know by 18 we shouldn't take allowance, but the problem is, when I was 18, I am in Poly, and I worked, the salary that I got from my work was not even enough for me to pay for my transport, let alone on food. I do understand that some of my friends need to give parents money but, if I earn less than $400 a month, what am I going to eat? Eat grass? I heard from people who said that I should give my parents some money. But the problem is, if I give my parents money, they won't take it. My dad confirmed earn more than me no matter how high paid my job is. If I give him like $500, it's like he won't take it. SO STOP SAYING THOSE THINGS TO ME. I also do understand that some people are not from a financially stable family, and need to support family but come on, don't ever compare me and you. Why not you guys compare yourselves with those poor orphans? You are living a life way so much better than them!